Get Your Tax Tips and Save Your Money

Get Your Tax Tips and Save Your Money

Make yourself prepare with the tax return filing process. Get the most of out of your tax return and save your money for other investments and expenses. Tax deductions are done depend on your occupation you do and can claim your tax return every year. Patel accountant in Melbourne do take care of your taxation part. Take the advantage of our tax services and enjoy the returns.

Many people have no idea of how tax return filing can be done online through online e-tax returns claim. It depends on the type of profession you are into like service, business, private job, government job, etc. There are different types of returns like tax returns for companies, tax returns for trusts and tax returns for individuals.

Check out our smart tax tips to pay less tax

  • Financial year of Australia is 1 July to 30 June so when you file for taxes during the 2015 season , you will showing the reports of income you earned on from 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015.
  • You can claim your tax back by use services from the tax agent in Melbourne to make the most of your foreign tax code.
  • Tax season in Australia runs from 1 July to 31 October so you have got time till end of the October month to submit your taxation reports to get into the ATO.
  • One can lodge for the tax return early before the season starts in case if you are leaving the country permanently and will have no income thereafter anymore. In such cases you can apply them early.
  • Collect all the necessary financial documents like PAYG(Pay as you go) payment summary. Depends on the residency status you would need to gather statements from financial institutions and dividend statements.
  • Register for your TFN (tax file number) so as to find them in your payment summary. If not then apply for one.
  • Claim for work-related expenses like car, travel, clothing, phone call bills, fees, training and books, etc. Collect those receipts for all this.
  • Claim yourself and superannuation fund so that once you leave the country you can claim that money back. Superannuation funds are those funds which is a long term savings plan which will provide you with income when you retire.

Hope this few tips can be an added source of information for filing a tax return. Happy earnings and keep coming to us for more such interesting topics.